
Princess Yum Yum is a Bit of a Dumb Dumb.


I brought a six pack of Denver Brewing Company's Princess Yum Yum to a family dinner recently and let's just say that the results were divisive. They were divisive in that everyone seemed to hate this beer except for me.

Fruit beers can be very hit or miss. I also believe that many people fall firmly on one side or the other: either they love them or think they are vile. I personally do enjoy a fruity beer now and again and I think this is a good example of a fruit beer done right.

Princess Yum Yum is a raspberry flavored ale. The flavoring is natural and light, not heavy or, IMO, kool-aide like. Yet it is fruit flavored, so much so that I feel like the those flavor overwhelms the quality beer underneath it. It's kind of a mish-mash of sweet, sour, and bitter, no one flavor really dominating. All of the those flavors have a way of canceling each other out and muting what should be a much more bright and vibrant beer.

If raspberry is going to turn off some people from the onset anyway, might as well fully go for it.



First off I have a note on the beer itself: it is pink and murky when poured. I know J says that floating bits and things don't matter but this one seemed excessive and grossed me out. Yet, what grossed me out most of all is how a beer called PRINCESS YUM YUM could so thoroughly squander all of its potential.

With a name like that I want so much more- crowns, jewels, cartoon princesses, unicorns, castles. Anything! Why choose such an evocative name and then do NOTHING with it. It really is a shame. My Dad agreed- he thought it needed a twist of anime to compliment the name.

Instead we get a plain red design and the logo of the brewer. What a waste. This is by far the most disappointing design I've come across so far for this blog. 

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