When H and I took the above picture, five seconds in the fierce Colorado sun managed to deflate the nice foamy head this beer had on it when poured. This is a good example of why I so appreciate a nice refreshing beer- with sun this intense, sometimes a dry finish on a beer just isn't appealing.
Ballast Point Brewing Company's Longfin Lager is, luckily, a very refreshing beer. It's a very light lager, both in color and flavor. It has, much like the can itself proclaims, a "hint of hops", and maybe just the faintest touch of citrus brightness.
My only criticisms are that because of how light it is it doesn't have the robustness I usually want and associate with a lager. Because of this it almost reminded me more of a German beer than anything else.
Regardless, this is a solid, if fairly basic, choice. I'd pack this up for a fishin' trip, no doubt.
One thing I like right off the bat is how the front design manages to be nautical without being cutesy or overly cliche. The light blue backing on the bottom has a zig-zag in it reminiscent of waves and the use of rope on the logo is subtle. The gold and red stand out with the lighter blue as well, avoiding too much Americana. Also, THERE IS A SWEET FISH ON THE BACK.
But that sweet, sweet fish is also part of the problem. The most interesting design element is relegated to the back of the can. Yes, the colors are all integrated and it is positioned nicely with the text. But overall, this design would be a lot more interesting if the fish and the front of the can were more interestingly put together. As is, it's a bit business in front, (fish) party in the back.
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