
Dale's Pale Ale: Crafties vs. The Big Boys


Oskar Blues: the good ol' boy of craft beers. As one of the first options to exist for a canned local craft beer, Oskar Blues' brews are everywhere here in Colorado. They are the beer made to fish with or to pack up to go camping with. But just because for a long time they were the only option for canned craft beer, that doesn't make them the best option.

I found the pale ale to be very bitter for something that isn't a true IPA. Otherwise, it's nicely balanced, and the hoppy flavor doesn't linger, which I like. Ultimately though, it's just doesn't really transcend it's status as a workhorse beer- it's not something I would really want to savor and it lacks the complexity of other craft beers.



Since being made aware of Oskar Blues and their history I have definitely seen how ingrained they are in the culture around here. So I will probably get flayed alive for giving my true opinion, which is that this can bores me to tears.

I dislike the fonts (which are all over the place), Americana is overdone in the beer world, and it manages to be busy without being very interesting.

That being said, I recognize the intelligence behind the design. This is a craft beer marketed to compete against the likes of a Budweiser or a Coors. It makes sense that the design brings to mind those other brands. I will also say that since every different Oskar Blue's can I've seen so far is a variation of this same design, they at least are remarkably consistent in their branding.

Too bad what they are so consistent at is so uninspiring to look at.

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